Her work palm-sized , just as the cat's head fits comfortably in the palm-sized.

She is self-taught.The cat was the catalyst for starting art.The cat has never been healthy for a day after being protected. With the aim of earning money for the treatment of sick cats, she began with her practice of drawing a straight line.

Global Music Artist Sakamoto Ryuichi was saying on the radio.

"Japanese famous photographers were saying. Take a film photograph until the cardboard box of the apple is full. If you do so, anyone can be professional. "

She prepared a cardboard box of apples, drew a picture and posted it in the box every day. The box of cardboard boxes of apples is full. At the end of 2020.

She used to make letterpress prints. However, she chose concave prints as a way to convey " all" to others.

She was born in a rural town in Japan.

From the age of seven, she took a two-hour one-way train to see a painting exhibition.

There was no traffic light in the town where she was born until she was ten years old.Born in a town where she couldn't get what she wanted, it was always natural for her to come up with a replacement.

The copper plate used for etching is expensive for her It was. She considered an alternative. She comes up with a milk carton that repels water. Then "milk carton art "was born.

A two-dimensional world peculiar to Japan that has been loved by the world from ukiyo-e to current anime.

The work she creates from drypoint embodies that. And her work has a Japanese-style expression without waste.

The sick cat has brought her both the joy of making art and the joy of living with a cat.

She is still printing prints today. And she still lives with a cat in the countryside.

©Saku Kuronashi
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